Raw Fishing Ball Bearing Snap Swivel – Twin Pack

Introducing the Raw Fishing Ball Bearing Snap Swivel. This snap swivel is a must-have for big game fishing enthusiasts seeking reliability and performance in the toughest conditions. These swivels are designed to meet the high demands of offshore fishing. To do this, they offer unmatched strength, smooth operation, and durability.


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Raw Fishing Ball Bearing Snap Swivel: Engineered for Big Game Success

Introducing the Raw Fishing Ball Bearing Snap Swivel. This snap swivel is a must-have for big game fishing enthusiasts seeking reliability and performance in the toughest conditions. The designers created these swivels to meet the high demands of offshore fishing. To do this, they offer unmatched strength, smooth operation, and durability.

Exceptional Build Quality

Manufacturers construct the Raw Fishing Ball Bearing Snap Swivel from black nickel-coated stainless steel. This provides superior corrosion resistance and longevity. Moreover, this coat offers a sleek, low-visibility finish that reduces the chances of spooking wary fish. Stainless steel is recognised for its strength and resilience, ensuring that these swivels can withstand the harsh environments and intense pressures of big game fishing.

Smooth Performance

At the core of the swivel's functionality are the ultra-smooth dual ball bearings. Designers engineered these bearings to minimize friction, allowing the swivel to rotate freely and smoothly under heavy loads. Furthermore, this smooth operation is crucial in big game fishing, where line twist can be a significant issue. Hence, by preventing line twists this snap swivel helps maintain the integrity of your line. Overall, this reduces the risk of breakage and improves your chances of a successful catch.

Robust Design Features

The swivel features double welded rings and a machined one-piece body, ensuring a high strength-to-size ratio. The double-welded rings provide extra security, preventing any weak points that could fail under pressure. Moreover, manufacturers machine the one-piece body for precision, offering uniform strength and a streamlined design that reduces drag in the water.

Maximum Strength and Reliability

The combination of high-quality materials, dual ball bearings, and robust design features results in a swivel that offers maximum strength and reliability. These swivels are engineered to handle the powerful runs and dynamic movements of big game fish like marlin, tuna, and sailfish. Anglers can trust that this snap swivel will perform consistently, even in the most challenging conditions.


In summary, the Raw Fishing Ball Bearing Snap Swivel is a top-tier choice for serious big-game anglers. Its black nickel-coated stainless steel construction provides exceptional durability and corrosion resistance, while the ultra-smooth dual ball bearings and double-welded rings ensure reliable performance and maximum strength. With its machined one-piece body, this swivel offers a high strength-to-size ratio, making it an indispensable tool for reducing line twists and enhancing your overall fishing experience. Whether you're chasing massive tuna or elusive marlin, these swivels are designed to help you succeed.

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Additional information

Weight .2 kg
Dimensions 15 × 10 × 10 cm