Black Magic Braid Scissors

  • Compact to suit any tackle box
  • A must for people using and tying braid


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SKU: 9418125551559 Category: Tag:
Black Magic Tackle
Black Magic Braid Scissors are a must-have tool for any angler venturing into the world of braided fishing lines. Designed with precision and efficiency in mind, these scissors provide a level of cutting performance that sets them apart.
One of the standout features of these scissors is their exceptional sharpness. These scissors are crafted with high-quality stainless steel blades that can effortlessly slice through even the toughest braided lines. This sharpness ensures clean, precise cuts without any fraying or uneven edges, making them an essential tool for maintaining your fishing gear. In addition to their sharpness, the scissors' ergonomic design makes them comfortable and easy to use. The handles are thoughtfully contoured to fit comfortably in your hand, reducing hand fatigue during extended use. This design ensures that anglers can make accurate cuts with ease, even in challenging conditions.
The Black Magic Braid Scissors are versatile tools suitable for a variety of fishing situations. Whether you're cutting heavy braided lines, leader materials, or even monofilament, these scissors can handle the task. This versatility makes them an indispensable addition to any angler's tackle box. The durability of these scissors is also worth noting. Built to withstand the harsh marine environment, the Black Magic Braid Scissors are corrosion-resistant, ensuring they maintain their functionality over time. This robust construction means that these scissors will serve you well on countless fishing trips.
In conclusion, Black Magic Braid Scissors are a reliable and versatile tool that no angler should be without. Their superior sharpness, ergonomic design, and durability make them a valuable asset for cutting and maintaining fishing lines, ensuring that you're well-prepared for success on the water. Whether you're a beginner or a seasoned pro, these scissors are a welcome addition to your fishing gear.


  • Cuts even the finest braid with ease
  • Great for mono too
  • Tough construction, stainless steel


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Additional information

Weight 0.1 kg
Dimensions 10 × 5 × 1 cm